Thursday, June 15, 2017

Protect DACA

Our initial motivation for visiting the Interfaith Welcome Coalition was to learn more about how we could help inform and protect our immigrant families who live near us.  We learned that most of these families had migrated from an area just north of Mexico City.  After getting to know them and their kids we would sometimes learn that a mom or dad was undocumented.  Sometimes both were.  Some who had come across on a work visa had established families here and then not having enough money to renew their green cards they slipped into the culture that survives on the edge of our legal system.

Several families had kids who had been brought across the border as children.  In 2014 with the continued failure of Congress to act on immigration, President Obama made a Presidential Order which declared that for 2 year periods action would be deferred against the status of people who came to the US illegally as children since they often did not have a say in their arrival.  This is referred to as DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.  Kids that we knew had to register their presence with US Customs and Immigration Service, pay a fee, remain in school or hold down a steady job, and pass a background check.  In exchange for registering they were allowed to get a Social Security card and depending on the state they live in a 2 yr. Drivers License.

We supported the DACA system that was established and were appalled when even this was threatened with political blustering in the 2016 race and followed by threats and actions in early 2017.  Still Congress drug its feet in acting to protect these young people who were so important to us.

After hearing about a rally to be held in D.C. in June of 2017, Lucretia modified our vacation plans to include time in the Capitol city at the same time.  We joined thousands of young activists at a rally and march around the Mall and White House.  Until we all stand up for action and listen to others seeking a fair solution we will continue to have hundreds of thousands of young people living in limbo and fear in the only country they can relate to.

Friday, June 2, 2017

A Personal Declaration from The Final Summit by Andy Andrews

Lucretia and I often read books together on trips or just taking turns.  One example of this is in the book The FINAL SUMMIT by Andy Andrews.  On pages 217-218, we found this text which has a lot of meaning in our lives:


On March 30, several of us went to Crystal City to the site of the concentration camp where Japanese Americans and others from many cou...